
Remote Hiring

Future of Remote Hiring and What are the Benefits?

The advent of Covid-19 has certainly spearheaded the global trend toward Remote hiring many businesses have opened doors to employees around the world. The gig economy had already been gaining momentum with contract and freelancers taking charge, but with the ongoing crisis, hiring became an important if not the most important strategy for talent acquisition. 

In this article, we have strong together the positive impacts of remote hiring on businesses worldwide:

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The Future Of Remote Hiring

Remote hiring, since 2020, has gained a huge significance mainly because it broadens the scope and feasibility of hiring people. People can be hired from all around the world without any geographical restrictions. Statistics show us that in 2020 the ratio of people working remotely has increased by 44% as compared to before 2020 and a huge number of those people agree that the remote working option has increased productivity and can be beneficial for HR and recruiting. The count of people who work from home in 2022 increased by 140% since 2005. It’s predicted that 60 to 70 percent of people remotely in 2025 many skillful people included in the future of remote work

Interestingly, 74% of people believe that flexible working has become the new normal. People are getting more comfortable with it, hence, it has become easier to implement remote working in various ways and take benefit from it, such as in HR.

The concept of remote hiring was a necessity back in 2020 when the pandemic was taking its toll but now that one ponders upon it, it is thriving like never before.

The Global Perspective On Remote Hiring

Remote hiring provides a vast scope in terms of employment possibilities as well as recruitment talent. People from different parts of the world/country can be hired or interviewed. Since the hiring process is not confined to a single city or country, people skilled in different fields can be hired. For example, if a company wants to hire a Front-end developer but all of the candidates appearing in the interview from that city have experience only in jQuery and React JS. So now, what if they want to hire someone who has a good experience in Vue.js? Remote hiring will provide the opportunity to search for better candidates all over the country or even all over the world, many people work in a future of remote work. 

Benefits Of Remote Hiring

Following are some of the plus points of hiring people remotely.

Contingency To Hire People With The Best Skill:

Remote recruitment leads to more chances of hiring people possessing exquisite skills. With a little strategic planning, remote recruiters can target their efforts in overseas and/or emerging markets where skilled workers are plentiful and available. This would, eventually, benefit the company as they will be hiring the person who possesses the right skills, but also the person is an expert at it and performs well due to vast scope and minimal relocation issues.

Fewer Relocation Issues

Provides feasibility for the candidate as well as the employer company because then the relocation part will be subtracted. This saves time for both parties; candidates can join the company and immediately start working. This is also less painful because then, the candidate would not have to come all the way from his hometown, just to get rejected. 

Relocation issues cause a lot of potential candidates to say no to jobs they aspire to and a lot of companies to compromise with the available CVs they get. With the possibility of remote hiring, candidates get a wide scope of a future of remote work and employment options. Most companies can get easier resources on better cards due to remote hiring. So this also adds to the list of why remote hiring is beneficial for a company’s profit margins. 

Increase In Employee Productivity

Remotely recruited clients face fewer distractions than in the office environment. Working from their personal spaces, employees feel more comfortable and under less work pressure.  Also, Eliminating the office commute gives more chances for concentration. 

Remotely recruited clients face fewer distractions than in the office environment. Working from their personal spaces, employees feel more comfortable and under less work pressure.  Also, Eliminating the office commute gives more chances for concentration. 

The work-from-home environment has enabled a much clearer thought process and fewer chances of getting distracted by communicating with any colleague as the results from the pandemic have made it clear that work-from-home increases productivity rate and lets the employees work with their full potential

Great Working Hours

With employees working in different time zones, the company’s working hours will not be limited. For example, employees working from the UK will have different working hours as compared to employees working from the USA. This will provide more active hours to the company to entertain clients from across the globe and as a result, increase the client base. In other words, global employee support ensures global client acquisition.

Employment Ratio Marks Up

With less competent candidates, there is a high chance that the company cannot find enough employees. This burdens the already employed people in the company. With the least geographical limitations, the company can hire a good number of employees and achieve its targets within the deadline.

New Trends in Remote Hiring

Remote job hiring has become a new norm for companies now and we are seeing a lot of new trends in it. The most prominent one is Staff Augmentation.

Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation is a smart approach for remote hiring in which a company partners up with another company and hires their provided resources (experts) for a limited time. This time is completely dependent on the contract that both the resource provider company and the client company sign between each other; it can be long-term or short-term.

Benefits Of Staff Augmentation

  • Scalability of the team and resources to handle all sizes of projects
  • Professional way of hiring expert skills hence less chance of risk or fraud
  • Contracts and policies can be determined at the time of agreement to ensure the highest productivity and meet the deadlines
  • Less money expenditure as the resources are hired from all over the world and the rate card charges are based on the location
  • A fresh and unbiased outlook can be achieved

As we’re seeing its increasing uses daily, one thing is clear to us remote hiring is here to stay, you’ll need the necessary tools to find exceptional applicants no matter where they are. Squarera is helping companies all across the globe hire skilled profiles at better rate cards. For further information, you can check www.Squarera.com

Alternatively, reach out to Masha.Smith@squarera.com

Looking to extend your in-house team for your business project? Squarera provides the perfect blend of scalable, capable, and flexible remote teams to scale your team with ease. Book your first consultation now!

Frequently Asked Question

What Are Some Tips For Having A Better Chance Of Landing A Remote Job?

1- Get certified in trending skills
2- Adapt your CV
3- Set your minimum requirements by considering salary, progression, and work-life balance
4- Get skilled in remote tools such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Slack
5- Prepare for remote video interviews by ensuring a nice clean background, sound internet connection, clear microphone, and using a high-quality webcam.

Is Remote Hiring Increasing In Demand?

The search for remote jobs has drastically increased by more than 450% between June 2019 and June 2021. Data from Statista shows that while just 17% of workers were working on a remote basis pre-Covid, the numbers have skyrocketed to 44% of the workforce working remotely five days a week. These numbers have been seen to only increase instead of decrease during 2022.

Do Remote Workers Get Paid, Less

Contrary to public opinion, remote workers do not get paid less than workers who physically commute to their workplaces. In fact, PayScale discovered that fully remote workers earn more compensation on average than employees who do not work remotely at all.

What Remote Jobs Are In Demand In 2022

1- Tech experts
2- Graphic Designers
3- Customer Service Operatives
4- Project Managers
5- Online Trainers

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